Customer Testimonials

Many thanks for a wonderful BEAP programme which has further galvanised TMF into an improvement oriented organisation across multiple levels. The trained assessors are now making their presence felt by assessing and improving processes right away post the end of the programme.

Jitendra Jadhwani
Head, Business Transformation, Tata Motors Finance

Glad to share that we successfully conducted the first TBEM training programme in the MENA region. Most of the participants have given very positive feedback and have found it to be extremely valuable. Going forward we would like to expose more MENA managers to such programmes.

Sunil Sinha
Resident Director, Tata Sons MENA

This BEAP is one of the best training programmes I have ever attended, which ensured continuous engagement by the participants. Creating and delivering such a training programme would require intense intellectual energy. I am grateful to have experienced this.

Kavita Mahto
General Manager, Tata Sons