Customer Testimonials

The team demonstrated high energy levels and curiosity to see, cover the organisation at an enterprise level and to learn. The wide coverage was at times done at the expense of personal comfort. The Mentor, the Team Leader and the entire team made sincere efforts to engage with a purpose.

TV Narendran
MD & CEO, Tata Steel

I really appreciate the work done. TAAP provides important inputs to progress our engagement on a critical issue. I look forward to TBExG's continuing support.

R Mukundan
MD, Tata Chemicals

I was delighted to see the exhaustive work carried out by the assessment team and the outcome shared, along with suggestions that can benefit us. We have made a humble beginning and participated in various CSR projects with AA objectives in mind. Many of the projects have yielded desired results, which have also been appreciated by the assessment teams.

Pradeep Bakshi
MD, Voltas

We clearly found the exercise very useful. The observations have given us an outside-in view of where we are and areas on which we need to work.

Rajiv Sabharwal
MD & CEO, Tata Capital

The team members were very open to understanding the company's context and demonstrated the spirit of appreciative enquiry. The site visit interactions were very transparent and development-oriented. The mentor contributed immensely in providing industry perspective and insights to both the company and the team.

Abraham Stephanos
MD, Tata Steel Downstream Products

The TBEM Assessment process reaffirms our faith in what we are doing while opening a few more areas for us to work on. The proof of fruitful engagement with TBExG is an established CI framework and approximately 1% colleagues who attended the Business Excellence Assessor Programme.

Harit Nagpal
CEO, Tata Sky

Business excellence is a key focus area at Tata AutoComp. We continue to focus on it through various initiatives, such as external and internal assessments, capability-building programmes and best practices, with TBExG’s support. I am sure that the ongoing business excellence initiatives and future interventions will help us gain valuable insights and bring focused improvements.

Arvind Goel
MD & CEO, Tata AutoComp Systems

I found the team very diligent and professional. Despite the lack of real estate experience, they did an excellent job.

Sanjay Dutt
MD & CEO, Tata Realty (for the Dip Check Assessment)