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Tata Motors’ webinar on climate for change: A study of sustainability transformation

Published on September 24, 2023

On September 20, 2023, Sastabhavan J R Kutty, Chief Sustainability Officer - Tata Motors, spoke at an EDGE webinar and demystified the topic of sustainability into tangible ambitions and easy-to-understand metrics. In this webinar, he explored the roadmap for a 75-year-old business and the way ahead.

The Tata group embraces sustainability as a source of new opportunities going beyond profitability and energy transition to leveraging green energy to propel their offerings. The companies view the potential of a circular economy and strive to maintain a balance with biodiversity, people, and the environment.

Project Aalingana, evaluation plans, strategy models, important KPIs, and practical procedures that can be scaled from the boardroom to the shopfloor were among the important themes covered in the event. The need to turn sustainable practices into quantifiable KPIs and integrate them into business processes was underlined.

To increase the impact of sustainability activities, Mr Kutty also discussed the necessity of creating enablers and investigating social interventions. The idea of sustainability was emphasised as an all-encompassing framework divided into core themes that enable improved engagement from all stakeholders.

A fundamental shift in how businesses operate

Project Aalingana from Tata Motors was praised as a key project that matched the company's objectives of achieving net-zero emissions, setting the standard for circular economies, and protecting biodiversity and the environment. The adoption of new energy transitions to accomplish sustainability goals was the main topic of the webinar.

Mr Kutty shared that anchors and a thorough framework had been created to support sustainability activities throughout the firm and the Tata group as a whole. The business will soon have a leadership workshop to promote circularity, including feedback from workers in various areas. The scorecards will incorporate these measures to track success.

Two programmes that emphasise the concept of sustainability are Tatva: The Essence and Project Rewire, demonstrating how Tata Motors is dedicated to having a beneficial influence on the environment and communities. Through an emphasis on recycling and trash reduction, the programmes hope to maintain biodiversity, become water-neutral, and unleash additional value.

Tata Motors is taking responsibility for the effects of its activities on the environment by collaborating closely with communities, and the goal is to achieve zero-waste-to-landfill management. These initiatives show Tata Motors' steadfast dedication to sustainability, which aims to mitigate the company's negative environmental effects while maximising its beneficial social benefits.

Sustainability is an evolving way of doing business

The guest speaker emphasised that sustainability is not simply a distinct idea but also a connecting thread that takes into account concerns related to the environment, society, and government. The relationship between sustainability and ESG criteria was emphasised during the webinar. ESG considerations are critical for evaluating the business's sustainability and long-term effect, and they are gaining importance across all industries for businesses.

Environmental variables cover a company's influence on the environment, including carbon emissions, trash production, and water use, as well as the steps made to lessen that impact. Social aspects are concerns about how a company's activities may affect people, particularly its employees, clients, and communities. The laws, ordinances, and guidelines that guarantee a business is conducting its operations ethically and sustainably are referred to as governance considerations.

A corporation can boost its positive effect and reputation by taking ESG considerations into account in addition to reducing its negative impact on the environment and stakeholders. ESG-focused sustainable business practices may significantly boost a company's competitive edge by making it more appealing to consumers, workers, and investors.

Key takeaways

Tata Motors strives to be a beacon of hope for everyone by acting responsibly and treating people, and animals, as equals. The significance of ESG aspects in generating long-term, significant outcomes was emphasised repeatedly during the discussion.
The variety of insights discovered throughout the workshop gave attendees a thorough comprehension of the subject and useful takeaways to apply in their circumstances.

The webinar came to a successful conclusion with a lively Q&A session that gave attendees the chance to further explore the topic and get answers to any questions they might have had. All guests had an instructive and engaging experience because of the use of clear explanations, visual aids, and interactive conversations.

