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Leveraging Net Promoter Score (NPS) for Growth - Group Level Process Benchmarking study outcome shared through webinar

Published on May 03, 2023

Webinar Recording:

Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a customer metric has been reported by an increasing number of group companies. In order to leverage this metric for gauging customer loyalty, satisfaction, continuous improvement as well as drive growth, Tata Business Excellence Group (TBExG) conducted the 39th Process Benchmarking Study on Net Promoter Score across Tata companies, the outcome of which shared through a webinar on April 26, 2023.

The benchmarking study aimed to understand NPS practices and use cases across 27 companies from eight business sectors within the Tata Group.

The study was designed by TBExG in collaboration with SMEs from group companies. SMEs also shared practices from their respective companies during the session.

The NPS process was benchmarked on six competencies and best practices from various companies were showcased.

The key takeaways from the study were as follows:

  • Use of NPS to gauge loyalty and satisfaction and to drive continuous Improvements as well as corelate NPS to other metrics to drive growth
  • Frequency and types of NPS surveys deployed
  • Sampling of customers for B2C and B2B companies, account coverage for sampling in B2B NPS.
  • Effectiveness of various NPS collection methods
  • Identification of Key Drivers (Operational KPIs) Impacting NPS
  • Analysis, follow up & actions with promoters, detractors and passives
  • Root cause analysis for detractors and understanding success factors for promotors
  • Sharing of real time data to frontline employees for action
  • Systems & Tools used for deployment of NPS process.
  • Integration of NPS with other VoC platforms & systems

Going forward, the reports will be shared with group companies to identify opportunities for improvement. Best practice sharing sessions will be organised for mutual learning & sharing. TBExG will also share customised report for participant companies and support in facilitating the implementation of learning with the help from the SMEs across the group companies.

